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Reena Ranger of Women Empowered has kindly asked me to again, submit a Blog for their website –Women Empowered – GRIT page.

This time the subject matter is: “A Letter to My Younger Self.”  An incredibly interesting concept whereby on a literary level, a letter from us to us.  What could have helped with future decisions, what reassurances would we have needed in our youth to help us prepare for the future?  Perhaps a comforting reassurance to help us cope with a future catastrophe… or the imperative advice that would have facilitated the adequate preparation.  At best,  a kind whisper that everything would (in the end) be just fine…

Should we or should we not, really know what our future entails?

“Dead yesterdays and unborn tomorrows, why fret about it, if today be sweet.” ― Omar Khayyam

To read the Blog – please check back to the Women Empowered website around the 5th October… Thank You.