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Top copywriters and digital marketers strongly recommend incorporating strategic and effective content marketing into all promotional campaigns.

What is Content Marketing?

A strategic, marketing approach which focuses on the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant and consistent content.

The Purpose?

To attract and retain customers. Ultimately to drive a profitable and positive customer response.

Currently, storytelling is very popular and powerful. The Royal Navy’s advertisement is certainly a memorable journey. The lad who was ‘born in Carlisle’, travels the world as a man and is therefore, ‘Made in the Royal Navy.’

Content should be compelling and informative. In addition, your website will receive more hits if the content is constantly updated and interesting. In order to really boost traffic to your website, it is essential to have marketing material such as brochures and leaflets, to regularly post blogs and a strategy for a social media and newsletter campaign.

“Most people buy from those they trust. It’s important to maintain a presence and be perceived as an expert.”

It is also essential to keep track of your content marketing campaigns and record the ROI. (Return on Investment). All marketing material should have a purpose and its results tracked. If it’s good it will be shared, found on the internet and circulated. Monitoring success will help you to plan future campaigns. The internet facilitates multiple opportunities however it is worth considering what is appropriate, rather than wasting precious time on anything and everything. Be selective in order to maximise the value of your time.

Effective writing has a genuine flow; you want to inform but at the same time influence. Most people are interested in learning more about what is relevant to them or will improve their business. These factors have to be carefully considered when planning your content marketing.

Finally content has to be well-written. How and what you write is indicative of the calibre of your product or service.


If you have any comments about this feature or would like to discuss a marketing, website, speech or copywriting project, please contact Michelle Harris direct: / Office: 020 3402 6024 / Mobile: 07949 556 294